The group has a new research project funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. More info here.
The Ministry of Universities awards the second best grade in Spain to a PhD student from the ADMIRABLE research group at the UBU.
Inés Miguel Alonso, a PhD student at the University of Burgos, has obtained the second best grade in Spain in the Grants for University Teacher Training (FPU) awarded by the Ministry of Universities in its 2021 call for applications, which has just been resolved.
The thesis of this student of the University of Burgos focuses on the development of educational games in Virtual Reality applied to industry. The objective of these educational games is learning and training in Occupational Risk Prevention for workers in different industrial sectors such as metal-mechanical and power generation. These games place special emphasis on collaborative work and the detection of stress and conflict situations to reduce the risk of accidents in the workplace.
This student belongs to the Faculty of Humanities and Communication of the University of Burgos. Her thesis project is directed by Professor Andrés Bustillo Iglesias.
The extended news is published here.
New research lines with Portuguese universities in the learning of high school and university students
Some of the members of our group, in collaboration with researchers from the DATAHES group of the University of Burgos and the Educational Psychology group of the University of Valladolid, have participated in the I International Conference on Research and Intervention in School and Educational Psychology held in Portugal showing his research on the use of technological resources and Artificial Intelligence in the detection of behaviors and learning skills in high school and university students.
The extended news is published here.
Juan José Rodríguez, one of our team members, among the most influential scientists in the world
The Ranking of World Scientists prepared by Stanford University affirms that in 2019, professors Santiago Aparicio, Roberto Sanz, Carlos Larrinaga and Juan José Rodríguez are among the 2% of the most influential scientists.
You can read the full story at the Univerity of Burgos webpage here.
Our latest paper on Soft Computing
Our latest article in “Soft Computing” entitled “Local sets for multi-label instance selection” is available online and accessible for free until July 11, 2018 through this link
The group has a new research project funded by MINECO
The group has a new research project funded by MINECO
We are organizing a special session on industrial and business applications of Soft Computing at the XVII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy
We are organizing a special session on industrial and business applications of soft Computing at the XVII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy.
We are organizing two special sessions at the IEA-AIE 2013
We are organizing two special sessions at the IEA-AIE 2013, more information here and here.
Our group participates with important Burgos’ companies in the PROMARE project
According to Scopus, the most cited paper in our university is authored by one of the member of our research group.
According to Scopus, the most cited paper in our university is one by Juan J. Rodríguez, one of the member of our research group.